Tag: marketing as a photographer

Should You Put Your Pricing on Your Website?

The question of whether or not to display your pricing on your photography site is a scandalous debate…


Showing your pricing on your site can do a few things – it can qualify your leads, so you know they can afford you and it can also also prevent potential clients from contacting you because of sticker shock.

Some clients may still contact you, but if your pricing is $4,000 to shoot a wedding and it’s not in their budget, they’ll be too scared to contact you at all.

On the other hand…

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How to Create the Best Photography Portfolio

Curating your photography portfolio is one of the most important things you’ll do for your website, and many people are doing it wrong.

Here’s why:
Let’s take a photographer, we’ll call her Susie. Susie loves shooting weddings, family portraits, and senior portraits. Susie hates shooting babies. So how should she set up her portfolio?

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The Most Important Page on your Photography Website Is…

If you asked ten of your friends what the most important page on your website is, chances are you’d get a bunch of different answers.

Some would say it’s your Portfolio. You’re a photographer after all! What good is your website if it doesn’t show off your work?

Others would insist it’s your Contact page. You can’t book any work if they can’t contact you.

Still others would believe it’s your Pricing page. A person who can’t afford you is a useless lead, right?

They’re all wrong.

The Most Important Page on your Photo Website is…

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