Canon R5 Review: What you need to know

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Released in July of 2020, the Canon R5 is the latest stills camera released from the camera giant. In fact, the R5 could very well be the best camera currently on the market, a somewhat combination of the Canon EOS and the EOS-1DX.

The Canon R5 boasts a whopping 8K video quality, not to mention its pristine image quality. To put that into perspective, 8K outranks many of the best cinema cameras available, by a few shutters at the very least.

However, despite the astounding 8K video quality, the R5 is predominantly a stills camera. Packing quite the punch in the video department, this makes an excellent choice for those shooting hybrid (switching between photo and video mode), achieved via a quick flick of a button, and also it’s touchscreen capabilities.

This article is a review of Canon’s latest masterpiece, the Canon R5. We will begin by highlighting the key features of the camera, explaining these in details. This will be followed up with any so-called disadvantages of the latest spec, finishing with the verdict: to buy or not to buy.

Key features of the Canon R5

8K uncropped raw video quality
As previously mentioned, although the R5s sole purpose is not recording video, it does a mighty fine job of it. The 8K quality is flawless, combined with 29.97 fps for a fluid, raw, and beautiful video, whether you’re shooting in low light conditions or the suns beaming off your lens.

However, there is one slight hiccup. A hiccup we’d rather get out of the way early: while shooting video in 8k, the camera is known to overheat. This is only the case if shooting for longer periods of time (20-mins or more), so for most, it not something to worry about.

Nevertheless, the 4K video quality on offer is almost as impressive, with a mighty 119.88 fps. This creates one of the most fluid and beautiful 4K experiences around, surpassing that of many movies, bog-standard point and shoots, and other predecessors of the Canon line. So if needs be, you can also opt for the slightly less impressive 4k quality, but that doesn’t go to say it isn’t impressive…

Frame Grab Function
We’ve seen the frame grab function before on other Canon models, including the EOS. This allows you to grab and hold a frame, creating a still and pristine shot with little background interruption. 
It’s the exact same here, accept upgraded. Again. 


45-megapixel image sensor
Now, the introduction of the 45-megapixel image sensor is where the Canon R5 really pulls its weight. This is the highest resolution camera ever produced, allowing you to capture phenomenal quality photos with little to no stress.

The combination of the higher megapixel sensor and low-pass filter design creates sharp, crisp, and uber real looking photos, almost as if you could jump right into the camera and experience these moments yourself. 

Flagship autofocus
The Canon flagship autofocus is no different from previous models, only better. That’s right, they somehow found a way to improve it, and it certainly tells.

Whether you’re taking a standard portrait or filming an 8k short monologue home production, the autofocus will not let you down. However, the AF has received another upgrade from the previous model, increased animal autofocus. Now, you can track the eyes, face, and movement patterns of different animals, allowing you to capture more vivid, sharp, and outstanding shots, one after another. The same applies to video, with increased FPS, of course.

Paired with the impressive autofocus is the shooting speed, 20 fps when shooting stills using the electronic shutter, and a slightly lower 12 when using the manual shutter. Not only is this exciting, but this places the R5 in competition with various sport and live-action cameras.

Very few ‘ordinary’ cameras on the market can compete, at least not at such a high level.

Any Possible Downsides to the Canon R5?

The only downside is the possible problem of overheating, shooting in 4K video quality at 30fps will not cause a build-up of internal heat. However, shooting for longer than 20-minutes at one time in 8K possibly will build heat up in the camera quickly, perhaps causing it to overheat.

Is this possible problem fact or fiction? Perhaps started to keep the Canon R5 talked about more in the press and online forums. I will let you be the judge of that. 

To Buy Or Not To Buy?

Canon’s latest and long-awaited camera, the Canon R5 certainly lives up to its hype. With a whole host of new features, most of which we’ve only tipped the iceberg, the camera shoots astounding 8K video and uses a 45MP image sensor, creating that sharper, crisper, image we all dream about.

If you’re looking for a stills camera, then you’ve come to the right place. Heck, if you’re looking for a camera to shoot video, you’ve also struck gold, offering better than movie-like quality at the touch of your fingertips. 

On the other hand, if you’re one with a hybrid touch, mixing it up and shooting both 8K and 4K video and the 45MP camera, then you’ll fall in love the second you lay eyes on the R5. Arguably, there’s no camera that quite lives up to the hype like this one, long-awaited and certainly deserved.

So, to buy or not to buy? GO FOR IT! Try it for yourself. It’s a superb piece of kit capable of capturing true masterpieces.


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